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Enphoso is canon. This means it has been confirmed or has originated from external, trusted Glaggleland sources. Please note that the page must have sources as listed in the references section of the page in order for it to be canon.
"We like to frolic in the whimsical lands of Glaggleland!"- Glaggor

Enphoso is a malevolent entity that uses his immense power to attempt to destroy Glaggleland, or infiltrate it using his vast armies of followers. He is one of the greatest threats to Glaggleland at the moment, alongside the KEDA outbreak that had infected wildlife and citizens alike. Not much is known about him except that his sole motive in life is to subdue and destroy Glaggleland. Enphoso has been against Glaggleland and its precursors since the ancient times. He resides in the pocket dimension Enphosius.

Enphoso has committed several horrible deeds against Glaggleland and the park's allies, when he destroyed Blibble's Field and wiped out Gazoland with a thick fog (presumably made out of Enphosian particles). However, after a great battle between Glaggle forces and the armies of Enphoso, he has since been defeated and has fled to the Enphosian Pyramidian to recover his strength. Enphoso's current whereabouts are unknown, but it is likely that he is not to be resting for long.


Enphoso doesn't have a "true" form, nor appearance, as he is a hardened flesh of black goo that takes the form of many humanoids. Read image on the right for more information.


Paleoglag Times[]

The details of Enphoso's early life are unknown, and it is likely that Enphoso has been around since the beginning of time. However, the very first depictions on Enphoso date back to the ancient Paleoglags, suggesting he has always been around. At this time, Enphoso actually was worshipped the prehistoric glags, as he wasn't evil as we see him today. Infact, Enphoso seemed to help out the Paleoglags on survival! This all changed when the Paleoglags eventually forgot about Enphoso, causing him to become angry, and cause a mass-extinction event, known as the Enphurricane.

The Enphurricane[]

The Enphurricane was a tradgic event for the Paleoglags, which led to the species' extinction. Not much is known about it, due to most records being lost or destroyed in the Enphurricane. Here's what we do know, though, from recovered paintings, writings, and even word from Enphoso himself! It was a giant, deadly hurricane made by Enphoso, after the Paleoglags forgot about him. After hundreds of years of preparing, Enphoso finally charged up to unleash the deadly storm on the Glagworld. The moment the Enphurricane was finished, it was sent to northern Glagus, before quickly covering the whole palent. Enphosian Goo rained down everywhere, flooding the whole world in a matter of weeks! Lightnings struck everywhere, adding on to the sounds of heavy rain and rushing slime. The Enphurricane lasted for decades, before finally died down, the few surviving Paleoglags emerged from hiding, and evolved into modern glaggles.

The Enphurricane was the first reported sighting on Enphoso in his Storm Form, being seen walked around, spreading the hurricane.

Modern Sightings[]

The leak

The first Enphoso alert

There are many reports of Enphosian presence throughout history, especially when Glaggles became more present. In the 21st century, Aa noticable incident in Glaggleland was when a post on the official Glaggleland subreddit labelled with the flair "ENPHOSO ALERT" on November 29, 2021, showing a black liquid mass emerge from a leak in the Glaggleland water supply. This black liquid was presumably water infected with Enphosian particles that was pumped into the water supply by a sabotaging Enphosian servant. In that same time period, two videos were posted about Enphoso. One was about the destruction of Gliggleville (which was probably caused by Enphoso) and leaked footage of the sinking of the SS Giggletron by Enphoso in 1930.

Enphoso Escapes the Crystal Prison[]


The Crystal Prison is found empty, as documented in a news headline

On August 6, 2022, giggle official u/TheRealGoldKoopa posted a public announcement stating that Enphoso was arriving soon, and explaining what this mysterious entity was. Following that announcement, cryptic and foreboding messages counting down the days before Enphoso comes were posted. Finally, on the day that was being counted down to, an image was posted by TheRealGoldKoopa. It depicted Enphoso's crystal prison, with a headline below it stating "Breaking: Enphoso's Crystal Prison Found Empty This Morning". Some time after that announcement, a video was posted with the caption "he has arrived", which started off as another post about the rides at Glaggleland until it shifted to the voice of Enphoso threatening Glaggleland to submit, as he had come to conquer the amusement park. However, Enphoso's threats were interrupted by the noise of glass shattering and the video changed to a reply by an unknown Glaggleland official, who compliments Enphoso for his efforts. However, at the end of the video, the official imprisons Enphoso in Glaggleland as a 'reward' for his dedication and then explains that Glaggleland has been 'amputated'. The video ends abruptly after the official's speech.

Blibble's Field[]


The beginning of the destruction of Blibble's Field, as documented in a news headline

The destruction of Blibble's Field took place on November 23, 2022 when kookymonkey6823 (Giggle warrior) posted an image of Enphoso with the headline "Enphoso Begins Assault of Blibble's Field in Powerful New "Endless Flame" Form". This announcement was preluded by another image posted on November 19 that stated "Enphoso Breaks Silence, Threatening The Destruction of "Blibble's Field"", and followed up by neural footage of the destruction leaked by Enphoso. A few weeks after the destruction of Blibble's Field, user DogeyOverHere, apparently a survivor of the attack, posted his story to Reddit. He claimed that he was spared by Enphoso and taken to the Enphosian Pyramidian after the assault. There he said he was "pronked", which presumably means his limbs were torn off by Enphoso as the following statement reads "I miss my legs and arms".

Fall of Gazoland & Loss at the Battle of Blibble's Field[]

Main Article : Battle of Blibble's Field


Recreation of the flag supposedly used by Enphosian forces at Blibble’s Field.


Enphoso spotted during The Battle of Blibble's field.

After destroying Blibble's Field and leaking neural footage of the attack, Enphoso went mostly silent for the following weeks and there was almost no chaos in Glaggleland for that short period, except for an invasion of the Enphosian Pyramidian by the Glaggleland forces, which presumably was a loss for the Glaggle soldiers; along with a few sabotages and shocking Giggler massacres (never forget). However, this short silence was broken when TheRealGoldKoopa issued a Glaggleland National Alert on December 30 that announced that Gazoland had been completely destroyed by a great fog cloud sent by Enphoso, even conquering the Great Gazo. A few days later, on January 3, 2023, slayerofgays23672 posted an image of a glowing, red smiley face engraved into the desecrated remains of Blibble's Field, which he believed to be a warning sign of imminent disaster. A few hours later, TheRealGoldKoopa posted a news article. The article stated that the Glaggleland forces (with the help of one Gazo fighter that was left behind from the destruction of Gazoland, along with the Great Glag) had decided to face off against Enphoso, and that both sides were at a standstill. Alongside this announcement was a photograph of Blibble's Field, showing the Glaggleland armies stand before Enphonso, who had taken on the form of a giant, smiling eye. This sudden announcement, alongside the Keda outbreak that would occur a day later, increased tensions drastically in Glaggleland.

On January 5, news reporter glaggle_scholar announced that a battle had begun between the two sides. The battle ended a few hours later, and, wounded and defeated, Enphoso retreated to the Enphosian Pyramidian on dying planet Enphosius to recover his lost strength.

Dotted Line Giggler Species Dotted Line Giggler
Canon Glaggles Giggler-vector Giggler (Glooble) • 1684924596495 ChanglugJoyousFestivity Festive GigglerGazo-vector GazoGembo-vector Gembo (Glumbga Gembo, Stone Gembo) • Glaaber-vector Glaaber1684919911517 Glagoon (The Great Glagoon) • Gleeber-vector GleeberGloober-vector GlooberMurpleck MurpleckPaleoglagMoment PaleoglagSobber-vector SobberSecret GlagglesNot a fellow rock AmblathicusThe s WeeperDepressionswim Gloomber
Enphosics Enphoso real EnphosoEnphosianACTUAL Enphosian20230524 190959 MimicRisio Risio
Other Bloober BlooberBorgack-vector BorgackGoobab GoobabZlerjaph ZlerjaphPeripheral Glag The Peripheral GlagFlargbarggarbFlarg Flargbarg
Semi-canon Glaggles DaglolsMiscellaneous Glaggle SpeciesGlaggleland janitor no bgGlaggleland Janitor
Enphosics Enphasm EnphasmsEnphotic entities
Other Fauna of... (Blumper Forest, the Glasear Aquatic Region, Mount Florgborp)List of Fish related species in Glaggleland
Fanon Glaggles AnglagType1 AnglagUnplaggle UnplagglesZaNew Za (Ba, Zombie Glaggle) • Cheerer CheererEpic Block Epic BlockGokusMasked GokusMezzo MezzoSpookler SpooklerBamellaGlaggle BamellaKoopʒer KoopserGlaemzo GlaemzoScoopgig ScoopgigGiggible GiggibleChillerTransBetterVersion ChillerBibbel Larger BibbelGangler Gangler (Chombler) • Candilaggle CandilaggleVamplovious VamploviousGlughtonius GlughtoniusScrewsteyn ScrewsteynCandilets CandiletsColorbounded ColorboundedGreedber GreedberCacus CacusGlooner GloonerJidlerre JidlerMloomble DumeDizzie DizzieCloudle CloudleRoflog RoflogGligang GigglangCulprit The CulpritsNewerSaddener SaddenerGeefpopper GeefpopperYuogig YuogigSoggle SoggleStatic-assets-upload13456433655903518638 NeutrolSkrimbledoingle SkrimbledoingleGeebant The GeebantFlongle FlongleWailer Wailer2023 08 25 0vx Kleki GweeblePintican PinticanIyamfuriingdisspankakehoanahpahn PanGlaggleGloggle GlogglersGleeble GleebleHe calm -D GigglerkillerBetterfrowner Frowner
Enphosics Amphoso AmphosianImage-removebg-preview (5) The Spider1685003415891 UnphosianEnphibbel EnphibelThey will not find your corpse TonnerTermian2 Termianᵷiᵷᵷler MorbolSludge MucksterChanglic ChanglicJerald Jerald
Other Asaphus AsaphidsBooglenew BooglerTransnat Nothing At AllsNewst evil fish SaberlotlWHYDIDIHAVETODOIT1BY1THEFIRSTTIMEAHHHHHHHHHH GlagsnaxLoaf Quailes Loaf Quails (Yeastlings) • NightgargerMove The NightgargerEndGlaggle EndFrostxolotl FrostxolotlGarginClosedMouth Gargins (Aquagargins) • Coolio HunglozöngsQuints Quints118 sin título 20231209110953 MoogleFloatyPaddler PaddlerBloingers BloingersPufferGlug PufferGlugGoobloog GoobloogStinkjy glagarlic remake GlagarlicBorger BorgerRetrogler RetroglerOob OobSkrinkleton real SkrinkletonGIG404main GIG404Doodad1 Sentient GoobabsMynamynamyna Glooberlandic Myna110 sin título 20231205160511 𝓘ﺃ𝓝𝓕ᠻﺃ𝓘𝓝𝓘𝓣ᠻ𝓨 𝓖𝓛𝓐𝓖Ido IdioGLENBIUSGOAT Glenbius the GreatGlagosaurus-Rex GlagosaurAhctof AhctofBloodfaught (Glasses) BloodfaughtFiredöve FiredöveHailful HailfulNightflowers NightflowersSobtrion SobtrionVinecaved VinecavedWiytion WiytionTheGoobabCreationFileNone GOOBAB OF CREATION
Non-canon Glaggles

Beans BeanteGagulal GagulalGelgol GelgolGlip GlipgongThe horrbel if it was good HorrbelBintlar (2) BintlarGobbler GobblerWeLoveOrangeGuy AweGemboon GemboonsGirtlar GirtlarNormal Joobi JoobiEmotey EmoteyNewest ourpol OurpolBlipblop BlipblopGlaggler Glaggler (Joblos) • Galaxyboi GalaxleJow EndphosianGlajle day mode GlajleFeiggler FeigglerDozzle2 DozzleBorgem no bg BorgemScreenshot 2024-12-06 144909-removebg-preview ReflectorScreenshot 2024-12-06 145056-removebg-preview DeflectorScreenshot 2024-12-06 150356-removebg-preview DoomflectorPsycla2 (1) PsyclaDustgle DustgleGlaier GinglerBotasian1 BotasianDoomerHELPME FalojraGliiber GliiberGley10 GleyegelsFarbladanglo FarbladangloWinger WinglerGlogger1 GloggerKnow It All (MADE BY @I do not want you) Know It AllsGlom GlomTuxedo Cuddlebi CuddlebiThe groglor GroglorJeramiah Jeramiah

Enphosics AHHHSCARYIgno IgnosianFuelsian or something FuelsianEnphosoloon EnphosioonGarglitch GarglitchEnphares EnpharesEnphatotato Enphato
Other Cheez Cheesies131 sin título 20231214091527 AlterglagMultiversal Glag Multiversal GlagOdionis OdiumisGill GilGal GalPixelia PixeliaBlek Blek SqueebleNew Glaog GlaogBibblimp BibblimpSilly goofball... GlanaturaRedGlappon GlappoJibob true form JibopGlagalien3 GlagalienUntitled548 20241219160703 NoglagForm1 Schlorbles
Canonicity unknown Glaggles Gleegus GleegusGeeber GeeberShmiller image ShmillerDjgloob DjGloobsJoyus spongle SpongleGloogler GlooglerShnoobersDrawingofgiggler PixelerPixelino PixelinoGaggle2 GaggleCalmer CalmerGangilor Gangilor
Enphosics Image-removebg-preview RewirianNarid Naridians (Unaridian) • Enophosquid EphoskeudGrabmyre Basic Grabmyre
Other Glackernew GlackerGigglekins GigglekinTeh Epik Ballze! BallzeA group of Gyandops GyandopsItzamegiddy CisoffGlibab Glibabs